April 2017
Our AGM is to be held at the Wrea Head, Scalby (as in past years), 7.30pm for 8.00 pm on Thursday, 20 April 2017.
Dress code: smart casual.
Apologies for this meeting are due by noon on Friday, 14 April 2017.
Organiser: Simon Ward
The AGM agenda will follow as soon as the Secretary recovers from his post-Tenerife de-tox.
May 2017
This will be a set three course meal for members and partners at Olivers on the Mount restaurant on the evening of Thursday, 25 May 2017.
For the more energetic, the meal will be preceded by a short stroll either from our new Chairman’s house to the restaurant, or around the Mount itself.
As the restaurant is opening just for us, they will need to know exact numbers and vegetarian menu options one week beforehand. This is therefore likely to be an opt-in meeting.
Please put this in your diary now – more details to follow nearer the time.
Organiser: Gordon Hayes