Charity Fund Raising Social Evening: December 2024 – book and pay online DRAFT only
25 August 2023 by
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Another successful Christmas for the Round Table Sleigh
6 January 2023 by

Takings were excellent again this year, despite some quite adverse weather conditions which meant rearranged outings for Santa, Rudolph and his team of Elves. These were the sums taken in 2022:
Eastfield £326
Ayton £344
Gladstone £555
Woodlands £418
Peasholme £617
Falgrave £512
Crossgates £294
Newlands £336
Victoria Rd £349
Newby £330
Total £4,081
Congratulations to Scarborough Round Table 88 and their friends and families for raising this sum, and to the members of 41 Club who contributed in different ways to the fundraising.
Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.
September 2022 Meeting: Venue Change
13 September 2022 by
Important venue change
Due to doctor’s orders, the owner of La Roca Tapas restaurant has had to close this week.
However, our illustrious Catering Office has informed me that he has secured a booking at the Crescent Hotel at 7.30 for 8.00pm this Thursday, 15 September.
For those wishing to meet up for a drink beforehand he has suggested the Scholar Bar from 6.30pm.
Mike Shingler
Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.
May 2022 Meeting: Geo’s – slight change to pre-meet
24 May 2022 by
We meet at Geo’s (formerly Anton’s) as originally planned. However there are now alternative plans as Seagrown cannot accommodate us. Read on.
We now begin at the Leeds Arms at 6.30pm for those who wish to wet their whistles. As before, it’s then Geo’s at 7.30 for 8.00pm.
Geo’s Restaurant, Foreshore Road, Scarborough, Cocktail Bar & Vibrant Dining, is slap bang on Scarborough seafront. Harbour views: “City Vibe, Sea Side.”
Dominic and John met at Geo’s earlier today to planner evening and Dom says the place looks really swish and should be on top form to entertain us.
Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.
Scarborough 41 Club donates to The Rainbow Centre
22 May 2022 by
Scarborough 41 Club has donated £500 to The Rainbow Centre to help them progress their excellent endeavours in offering practical help to vulnerable people in the town’s local community.
We wish The Rainbow Centre continued success in their mission.
Each year the incoming Chairman of Scarborough 41 Club names his chosen charity, to receive donations raised by the members during his year.
The Club’s Chairman for 2021/22 was David Ascough and he chose The Rainbow Centre for their outstanding work in providing debt advice, food and clothing banks together with various other invaluable services to people in need, including the homeless.
The Rainbow Centre was founded in 1997 and is in need of donations of any size whether it be monetary or food and clothing, particularly in the current difficult economic times people are facing.

Pictured are David Ascough, Scarborough 41 Club Chairman handing over the cheque to Trish Kinsella, Manager and John Trebble, Trustee and volunteer at The Rainbow Centre.
Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.
Tangent National President says Thank You!
22 May 2022 by
An email to our esteemed Hon. Secretary:
Dear Mike
I just wanted to send an email to express my gratitude for your very kind contribution to my charity Re-engage, following Wynn’s recent visit to Scarborough. Your donation and raffle purchases are very much appreciated.
Yours in Continued Friendship
Heather Parry
Heather Parry
National Association of Tangent Clubs
National President 2022-23
Tele: 07768317287
Charity: Re-engage: Bringing Generations Together

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.
Quoits Competition Beck Hole, Goathland, Tuesday, 7 June 2022
22 May 2022 by
Dear All
I am pleased to announce the Quoits club at Beck Hole is up and running again. I have spoken with John Morley, the team captain, and he would like to invite all 41 Club, Round Table and FARTS members for a friendly Quoits Competition on 07 June 2022 starting at 7.00pm .
Glenys at the Birch Hall Inn will stay open for us afterwards for a pint and snacks.
John asks if each contestant can donate the usual £5.00 each to give to the Air Ambulance charity.
Hope to see as many of you as there possible. Please contact me to let me know if you can attend. (Email in Directory – Ed).

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.
41 Club National Newsletter: April 2022
9 May 2022 by
As usual, courtesy Don Mullane, National Comms and IT Officer
Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.
May 2022 Meeting: Geo’s (NB date change)
8 May 2022 by
Date change!
The refurbishment of Geo’s (formerly Anton’s) is to take a little longer than anticipated and it doesn’t officially open its doors until the middle of the month.
As a result, the date for our next meeting has been put back a week to Thursday, 26 May 2022.
Geo’s Restaurant, Foreshore Road, Scarborough, Cocktail Bar & Vibrant Dining, is slap bang on Scarborough seafront. Harbour views: “City Vibe, Sea Side.” Preceded by drinks and a talk on the Sea-grown Boat.
We begin at Sea-grown on the harbour at 6.30pm but we’re awaiting final confirmation of that. Geo’s at 7.30 for 8.00pm.
Any apologies are due by noon on Friday, 20 May.
Further details will follow, including the arrangements for the induction of our new Chairman and Vice Chairman.
Please note: if you have already apologised, believing the meeting was to be on 19 May, our estimable Catering Officer will be in contact with you soon to check if your apology still holds or if you are able to come along on this new date.
Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.
April 2022 Meeting Report: AGM at the Crescent
6 May 2022 by
The following is a brief outline of the evening, full minutes to follow from Simon Lockley (via email) in due course.
The AGM evening at the Crescent Hotel started well. National Council Liaison Officer Wynn Parry reported on the change of Association rules to the effect that clubs could invite any new members regardless of whether they had been in Round Table previously or not. This is without limit in number.
Wynn commented that that our 41 Club is one of the biggest in area and indeed in the country which, in my opinion, is worrying for 41 Club nationally given that we are ourselves conscious of our shrinking numbers.
Wynn asked that we support National Tangent’s charity work by buying raffle tickets which we duly did; the Club also voted to give a lump sum of £100.
The previous minutes from the AGM were passed; the AGM had been with minimum attendance by officers only at the Nags Head, Scalby due to Covid restrictions.
Officers’ reports were given with no major issues forthcoming.
It was discussed what the situation regarding Aalten visits was currently. Apparently, Aalten are keen to firm up a date but Round Table are being cautious at the moment given that they only currently have approximately eight members. 41 Club hold funds to support a visit.
There will hopefully be a sports night, possibly Quoits, in the near future.
Given that Peter Calow the Vice Chairman was currently self-isolation, the handover to a new Chairman and appointment of officers could not take place and was been postponed to the next meeting.
A toast was made by John White in memory of Tom Cathcart.
A toast was made by Simon Ward in favour of Dominic Grunwell for his Catering Officer endeavours through the year.
At this point we enjoyed dinner which comprised of a Pate starter, Irish Stew and, to finish, Cheese and Biscuits or Sticky Toffee pudding.
After the dinner, Chairman David Ascough inducted Neil Warburton as a new member.
Dave suggested the Rainbow Centre as his appointed charity for the year. He gave gifts to his officers in thanks for their services, Mike Shingler with a miniature replica.
Steve Slade was presented with his past chair gong, just a little late due to Covid.
With that, the AGM procedures were paused pending completion at the May meeting.
Meeting report and photos by Stuart Baines.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.
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