October 2021 Meeting Report: Tandoori Night

Well, what a difference, after the poor attendance at the first meet for 2021. An excellent turn out at the Scarborough Tandoori, fortunately the Tandoori could cope with the expanded numbers with ease.

The food was excellent as ever at this venue starting with the usual Poppadoms with dips, followed by a selection of starters which were superb and more than generous; the main course was a selection of curry dishes. Wine was provided for those attending.

The meeting was presided over by our esteemed vice chairman, Peter Calow, in the absence of Chairman David Ascough who was unable to attend.

Guests attending were Ben Kitto (Scarborough 88) and prospective new 41 Club member Colin Bird.

Hopefully the November meeting will be as well attended as this month’s and we look forward to seeing you there. 

Report and photos kindly provided by Stuart B.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

October 2021 Club Meeting: Tandoori Special

Our next meeting is to be held at Scarborough Tandoori, 50 St Thomas St at the usual time of 7.30pm on Thursday, 14 October 2021.

As usual, apologies are due by noon on this Friday, 8 October 2021.

For those who enjoy a beer or equivalent beforehand, Dom suggests meeting at the Angel on North St at 7.00pm.

See you there!

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Caption competition September 2021 meeting

Dominic has sent in this photo for a caption competition.

He hasn’t mentioned the prize but let’s guess it might involve the Nag’s Head and beer.

Please send your suggestions to me by the next meeting and I’ll forward them on (unless you have Dom’s email anyway).

Good luck!

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

September 2021 Meeting Report: Tapas Evening

The Chairman quickly gets back into the swing of things

After almost two years since our last 41 Club we returned to the La Roca restaurant on Blands Cliff to repeat the excellent evening we last enjoyed as our first meeting back after Lockdown.

The evening was enjoyed by all attending although there was a disappointing number of non-apologies the upside on low numbers being generous amounts of food and wine for those who turned up ! Hopefully now we are up and running again with regular meetings 41 Clubbers will now get back into the swing of submitting their apologies.

There were three guests in attendance at the Tapas meeting namely Andrew Hayes Ben Kitto and John Price.

There was a toast to the memory of sadly missed Tom Cathcart who passed away recently and will be greatly missed. The restaurant owner kindly contributed a bottle of Whiskey for the purpose and out of respect to Tom.

Unfortunately national councillor Wynn Parry who was due to attend the meeting was unwell and unable to join us, there was talk of Shingler stepping in with a talk on his motor home but this idea developed a puncture and deflated for better or worse !

Ben Kitto gave members an update on Round Table, membership numbers are a challenge at the moment but hopefully now that we have come out of Lockdown membership will perk up.

Brian Heaps present at the meeting mentioned that 2021 marked 50 years that he has been attending 41 Club for which Brian was congratulated.

Nigel tells of his 7 Spades Slam whilst Darren looks on fascinatedly

Meeting report and photos kindly contributed by Stuart Baines.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

41 Club National and International Newsletters September 2021

You’re waiting ages for 41 Club newsletters, and two come at once. They’re mostly about the great idea of YAP Day.

Young Ambassadors Program [“YAP”] Day, this Saturday morning, 11th September, from 9am until 12-noon 41

Club YAP Co-ordinator Bruce Bennett writes:-

Hello Everyone As the world starts to awake from its enforced slumber and the probability of world travel becomes a possibility again (albeit a little way off yet) thoughts have turned to the prospect of the resumption of the Young Ambassadors Program (YAP). For those of you who have never heard of such a Program or a little unsure of what it’s all about, it is in essence:  “The promotion of exchange visits between the children (Young Adults between the ages of 18-25) of parents who are members of 41 Clubs” throughout the world. Such a short, although precise, description does not do any justice to the outstanding opportunities available to potential Young Ambassadors. The chance to travel and have the opportunity to meet other 41 Club members and their families – see how they live their lives and learn about the host’s customs and culture. If you think you know someone in your family that would love to do this and would like more information, then the following is for you.  The YAP Convenors from the Member Associations throughout the World are hosting A YAP DAY. THIS WILL BE ONLINE ON THE 11th of SEPTEMBER 2021 between 9am & 12-noon (British Summer Time). Everything you need to know including – 

  • The idea behind YAP.
  • How does the YAP concept work?
  • What do I have to do to apply?
  • What does the itinerary of an event look like?
  • Where do the tours go to?

 After a presentation of the most recent tours there will be live reports from the participants of previous groups with the opportunity to speak to them directly with any questions you may have. To register for the YAP-DAY simply go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsf-urqz4qGdfBm_g5kfTrUOEMC06ZIwLJ We expect a large demand for places at the meeting, so I recommend you register as soon as possible. If you have any problems registering or questions my email is yap@41club.org YiCF

Bruce Bennett
41 Club YAP Convenor

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

41 Club National Newsletter August 2021

Dear Member,

Here’s another full newsletter loaded with details of activities and events, well done.

I want to draw your attention in particular to The Big 41 Weekend which is effectively a mini conference, in Nottingham – book in ASAP please.

Details of the various other weekend breaks are listed again. But that’s not all – there’s a club reports, Whisky, Wine Tasting and even recipes – plus the chance to win a Porsche.

Don’t forget to join me on Zoom this Saturday for the latest 41 Club Wine Club Wine Tasting – expertly paired by Roger Hanley.

Read the Newsletter – enjoy it – and remember 41 Club is about #ContinuingToDoMore.

Breaking News: The 41 International Half Year Meeting in Brasov, Romania, in October, will now be virtual not physical.

Keep safe

Yours in Continued Friendship

Don Mullane
National Comms & I.T. Officer
The Association of Ex-Round Tablers’ Clubs (41 Club)

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

September 2021 Club Meeting: La Roca

Our first post-Covid Club meeting is on Thursday, 16 September 2021 at La Roca, 4-5 Bland’s Cliff, Scarborough YO11 1NR, 7.30 for 8.00 pm.

Please be aware that John White (who is helping Dominic to get started) has approved La Roca as being safe, well ventilated and Covid compliant.

For those who wish to socialise beforehand, please meet in The Merchant at 27-29 Eastborough for 7.00 pm.

Apologies in the usual way via the website link above at the latest by noon, on the previous Friday, 10 September 2021.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

41 Club National Newsletter July 2021

Dear Member, I am sending the attached July Newsletter direct to everyone.

Firstly an apology that it’s late this month – the perils of work intruded.

It’s a full newsletter loaded with details of spectacular feats of fund raising (take a bow Kilsh and Steve Lord but they are no means alone). To everyone who has done spectacular feats to raise money for the National President’s Charity, Dementia UK, well done. It’s also full of details of the various weekend breaks on offer – including The 41 Club Big Weekend in October. And a first report on the 41 Club National Car Rally in Kent at the beginning of the month.  But that’s not all – there’s a feature on Welfare, and reports from various clubs, and and and – did I mention the Whisky, or the Beer, or the Wine Tasting? Is it any wonder that it’s late this month with so much in it?

Don’t forget to join me on Zoom this Saturday for the latest 41 Club Wine Club Wine Tasting – expertly paired with cheeses by Roger Hanley.

Read the Newsletter – enjoy it – and remember 41 Club is about #ContinuingToDoMore

Keep safe

Yours in continuous friendship

Don Mullane
National Comms & I.T. Officer
The Association of Ex-Round Tablers’ Clubs (41 Club)

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

41 Club Regional Golf Competition

Dear Member

The regional golf competition is being held on Tuesday 7th September.

The event is being held at West Bradford Golf Club , 14:30 start.

The cost is £40 per person to include Tea/Coffee and bacon butty on arrival, a round of golf and a three course presentation dinner.

Please contact me if you are interested in participating.

Yours in Continued Friendship

Wynn Parry
National Councillor – Region 6 – Yorkshire
The Association of Ex-Round Tablers’ Clubs (41 Club)

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

41 Club Region 6 Newsletter July 2021

Dear Member

Please find attached the July 2021 Region 6 newsletter. I hope you are all keeping well and I look forward to meeting up with you all again as soon as it is deemed to be legal and safe.

Yours in Continued Friendship

Wynn Parry
National Councillor – Region 6 – Yorkshire
The Association of Ex-Round Tablers’ Clubs (41 Club)

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.