February 2023 Meeting – Chinese Banquet

The next meeting will be at an old favourite, TOPs Chinese restaurant on Falsgrave, restored to the traditional third Thursday of the month, on Thursday 16th February at 7.30 for 8pm,. We are to have a belated Chinese New Year celebration meal (anyone speak Cantonese? Pre-dinner drinks will be in the Tap and Smile. Apologies should be made via the Club Website by Friday 10 February.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

January 2023 Meeting – Dolphins and Stuart

The next meeting will be on Thursday 26th January, probably at the recently opened North Street Kitchen, on err… North Street, Scarborough not Scalby! It’s always good to support a new business venture trying to produce quality food. We haven’t yet decided the start time for this meeting, so to be advised. The alert amongst you will have noticed that this is not the traditional third Thursday of the month, it’s the fourth Thursday. I think we can cope.  We have another speaker for this evening, as our very own Stuart Baines will deliver a talk on his work relating to the study and conservation of Dolphins, Whales and Porpoise that visit the coastal waters off Yorkshire, and more particularly off Scarborough. Stuart will talk about the species we can see and how this has changed over recent years, and how the presence of these animals can benefit our local community. All quite topical really, given the unexpected visit to the harbour by a wandering walrus recently. Top marks to Scarborough Council (for once) for cancelling the New Year’s Eve fireworks display in case the beastie was frightened. 

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Christmas Dinner Celebrations

The original date for our Christmas Dinner having been snowed off members gathered at the Grainery Harwood Dale on the 4th January, when the weather was fortunately fine for travelling.  

It was great to have a seasonal meal out of season as it can be turkey and tinsel overkill prior to the big day.

We enjoyed a champagne reception on arrival andsat down to a great meal of well cooked food in generous proportions with wine included and the usual seasonal trimmings. Some folks had forgotten their menu choices but Chairman Peter was available to put them right.

After the meal we were treated to a excellent quiz created by Simon Ward with increasing random questions (and random answers) which were real mind benders.

All in all a great Christmas Dinner albeit delayed. 

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Christmas Dinner Celebrations in January!

41 Club members and guests welcomed the New Year with a belated Christmas Party. Health and prosperity to all our members and friends for 2023. More photos and a report will be found under meetings.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Another successful Christmas for the Round Table Sleigh

Santa comes to Scalby Village.

Takings were excellent again this year, despite some quite adverse weather conditions which meant rearranged outings for Santa, Rudolph and his team of Elves. These were the sums taken in 2022:

Eastfield              £326

Ayton                   £344

Gladstone           £555

Woodlands         £418

Peasholme         £617

Falgrave              £512

Crossgates          £294

Newlands            £336

Victoria Rd          £349

Newby                 £330

Total                      £4,081

Congratulations to Scarborough Round Table 88 and their friends and families for raising this sum, and to the members of 41 Club who contributed in different ways to the fundraising.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

January 2023 Meeting – Date Change

The January meeting will be held on Thursday 26 January. Details to follow but the speaker is rumoured to be our own Stuart Baines.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Christmas Dinner Rearranged

After the unfortunate postponement of the Christmas party owing to the snowy conditions, I have arranged with the Grainary that we will celebrate Christmas 2023 very early on the evening of Wednesday 4th January at 7pm for 7.30pm. It will simplify things if we keep all the details from the postponed dinner the same, and hence stick with the menu choices already made. I will initially assume that those members on the list to attend the original date will attend the new date. If anyone cannot manage the new date, it is imperative you let me know within the next 7 days. Alternatively, if you were unable to attend the original date, but now wish to attend in January, please let me know in the next 7 days with your menu choices from the menu below. If there are any questions please contact myself. We do need a certain minimum attendance to make this event viable for the Grainary, and so I hope we can maintain the original numbers, and hopefully add to them. If we fail to make the minimum number needed then the event will be cancelled, and some cost incurred. This event is a good one for guests, and so please do share the invitation as appropriate. The Grainary have been very understanding of the postponement, and so let’s have good numbers for them, and for us to wave Christmas goodbye and welcome in 2023 in good style. Just no more thick snow please. Merry Christmas!

This will be an Opt-In meeting. Please use this link to let us know your are coming. https://www.scarborough41club.co.uk/opt-in/

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Christmas Greetings from 41 Club

Scarborough 41 Club wishes all its members, their families and our supporters a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

November 2022 Meeting Report – Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

The November 41 Club meeting took place at the Blacksmiths Arms Cloughton, the Blacksmiths offers great pub grub and beers.

The evening started with a speaker, Shean Duggan representing the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust who gave members an interesting overview on the Trusts activities and issues facing wildlife around Yorkshire and beyond including oyster farming which were unfortunately not on the menu to eat !  A vote of thanks was given by Simon Ward.

We enjoyed a good old fashioned 41 club meal comprising Minestrone soup, Steak Pie chips and peas all rounded off with apple crumble and custard.

There was one guest on the evening attended the meeting, Clive Welburn.  

Chairman Peter inducted two new members Martin Walker and Brian Davidson.

New Members Martin and Brian

By way of reports secretary Mike Shingler mentioned the the Round Table sleigh would again be running before Christmas and 41 clubers were asked to help as collection elves, dates of the evenings concerned would be circulated.

Catering officer commented that the Christmas meal will soon be upon us and asked for confirmation of attendance asap if not already given along with menu choices, overnight accommodation is offered at discounted rates. General comments were that the evening was a great old fashioned 41 club meeting including both a speaker and a hearty pub meal.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

October 2022 Meeting Report – Turkish?

The last meeting at Askim’s featured a particularly meaty feast which left your humble correspondent feeling somewhat bloated, and allegedly exuding an odour of garlic. The meal itself tasted excellent, however. Don’t think I‘ve ever come across any restaurant proprietor less keen to make money by selling drinks, if it involved paying with the credit card machine. I’m sure we would have consumed more alcohol if he had been less bothered by his transaction charges.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.