Report on Charity Night at Scarborough Rugby Club on 5 December 2024

At about 11.30pm on Friday 5 December all the sleepless nights spent worrying about food allergies, the meetings, the WhatsApp messages, the emails and the last minute telephone calls had paid off and our Membership Officer Simon was finally able to relax and savour the success of the 41 Club Charity Night organised by him and his Charity Night Committee at Scarborough Rugby Club.

Although the evening was wet and very windy over 100 members and guests attended the event and were welcomed by a grand display of Christmas lights courtesy of the Rugby Club and 2 doormen pretending to be tough to prevent gate crashers.

After some pre-dinner drinks the evening proper started with a health and safety announcement from Simon ably assisted by 2 members of his “cabin crew” to point out the emergency exits and several jokes which were met with groans of anguish not laughter.

Club members and their guests

With Vice Chairman Richard acting as compere for the evening after a brief welcome from Chairman Dom he then introduced representatives from his 2 nominated charities for the year Scarborough Talking News and SPARKS to describe the services offered by their respective charities. In a very family affair Dom’s mother Mary spoke on behalf of Scarborough Talking News and his wife Nicky on behalf of SPARKS both of whom received a warm round of applause for their efforts.

At last the food was served. Rumour has it that it was the same menu as last year but whatever there were no grounds to criticise the offering save towards the end when the kitchen ran out of cheesecake for the dessert course.

While dessert was served entertainment was provided by Annie & King described on their Facebook page as “a crossover folk country upbeat” duo from Scarborough who stuck to their task well despite the distractions of guests eating their desserts and after dinner conversation.

Annie & King in action
A winner!

With the audience well sated with both food and drink the delicate operation of prizing money out of wallets and handbags for the benefit of the 2 charities commenced. In an innovation the raffle ticket sellers had the use of a Sum Up machine to catch those who claimed to have no cash on them! Steve Slade did the honours of managing the raffle draw which did seem to favour some tables over others! It was also suspicious that many of the winners were 41 Club members but hey your correspondent is not bitter at having failed to win anything despite an enormous outlay!

Another winner!

Then it was on to the auction with Richard acting as auctioneer. Clearly a man who missed out on his preferred vocation in life and one who has watched too many American court room dramas or just likes making a noise with a gavel. Nonetheless he did a sterling job of extracting a large amount of money from his audience despite some very shady lots on offer including naked clay pigeon shooting and having a hair cut while eating a box of chocolates.

The evening ended with a disco from Magic Mike which allowed some of the guests to show their moves on the dance floor.

Although the final figures have still to be calculated the amount raised for the 2 charities is believed to be in the region of a very impressive £2,700.

Congratulations to Simon and his team for a highly successful Charity Night and thanks to all those who donated prizes for the raffle and auction whose generosity is much appreciated.

41 Club Charity Correspondent

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Charity Fund Raising Christmas Celebration and Social Evening: Thursday, 5 December 2024

Our Christmas 41 Club get-together this year is something a bit different! We have a great opportunity to enjoy a night out with family and friends whilst supporting two very worthwhile Scarborough charities: Scarborough Talking News (for the Blind and Partially Sighted); and SPARKS (at Barrowcliff and Eastfield).

These two charities are our Chairman’s nominated charities for his year. Please give them your support by attending this special evening.

All 41 Club members, their partners, families and friends, plus members of the two charities are warmly welcomed to join us for the evening.

The event will be held at Scarborough Rugby Club and begins at 7.00pm until 11.30pm (if you have the stamina!). The evening will include a hot buffet meal.

Entertainment will be live music with Annie and King and we will dance the night away with a disco from Magic Mike.

There will be a raffle and an auction.

Dress code: smart casual.

Tickets are £30.00pp.

Please follow the links below for guest bookings and for sponsorship and donations.

How to book:

41 Club Members & Partners: 

Members need to use the opt-in menu item above or this link to book a place for themselves and their partner. The cost is £30.00 a head and this will be billed against members’ accounts for settlement at the year-end in the usual way.

NB if you are a 41 Club member and cannot attend this Club meeting, you should also apologise in the usual way no later than Monday, 25 November 2024.

All Other Guests:

Members’ additional guests or Charity member? No problem. We would love to see you at the Rugby Club.

Please pay for your tickets by credit card via the link below.


Would you like to sponsor a table or donate to our fundraising event? Find out more by clicking the button below.

Alternatively, payment can be made by bank transfer direct to Scarborough 41 Club – sort code 20-75-92, account number 73150976 (NB please include your name as a reference). 41 Club members only can send a cheque directly to Simon (address in Members’ Directory).

NB: please ensure that you advise us of full details of any food allergies/special food preferences when booking.

We start the evening with drinks in the bar, and then we will enjoy a hot tasty buffet with vegetarian option, plus a choice of pudding, followed by a raffle, an auction, live music by Annie and King and dancing to the sounds of our professional entertainer – Magic Mike.

We look forward to seeing you on the night!

You can forward this page to interested guests, or download and forward the event poster PDF below.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Report on the Quoits Competition held on 11 June 2024

The evening of 11 June saw the first of this summer’s sporting events organised by our Sporting Officer Darren when 13 players from 41 Cub and its sister organisation Farts participated in the annual Quoits Competition held as in previous years at Beck Hole.

Members of the Beck Hole Quoits Club (John, Phil, Eddie and Ivor) were present to provide the use of their quoits together with guidance on the best way to throw a quoit and how to score. One member kindly offered to participate to make an even number of players divided into teams of 2.

The players

The usual crowd of sheep and locals soon gathered to watch the high-quality (?) throwing although in truth there were more sheep than locals and the sheep soon wandered off in search of something more entertaining.

The spectators

With practice the standard of play improved and the quoits began to land in the clay pits instead of bouncing off the surrounding woodwork causing the risk of injury to other players, spectating sheep or passing motorists despite the catch fencing.

How not to do it!
How to do it!

The weather was unseasonably cold with a risk of rain stopping play. In the event after some 2 hours, play was brought to a premature end not by rain but with the players under attack from midges.

In a tense final game Phil Rigg with some assistance from his team mate the ringer from the Quoits Club triumphed over Dave Ascough (last year’s winner who was also partnered by Ivor!) and Richard Kirby. Congratulations to Phil and Ivor.

The winner!

The players and Quoits Club members then retired to the Birch Hall Inn for a well-earned pie and a pint or two.

During the evening £100 was raised to be donated to the air ambulance service.

A good night’s entertainment enjoyed by all save the sheep!

Your 41 Club Quoits Correspondent

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Tapas meeting report 16 May 2024

Simon shows us his beer bottle collection

The final meeting before the summer break and the first meeting of our new Chairman Dominic’s year in office found us back at La Tapas for some authentic Scarborough tapas and Spanish beer brewed under licence in Burton on Trent.

Several members followed our absent Secretary Mike’s suggestion of a pre-meeting pint (or two!) at the Merchant with our new Catering officer John doing sterling work to chivvy members to drink up and make their way to Bland’s Cliff for the start of the meeting.

A reasonable number of members attended albeit with several non-apologies duly noted by Treasurer Iain which bodes well for the wine fund for next April’s AGM.

After numerous small plates of food and several drinks the Chairman called the meeting to order and with the benefit of a crib sheet provided by our Immediate Past Chairman Charlie successfully chaired his first meeting with only minimal barracking.

Reports from those officers present included a reminder from the Treasurer to those members who still owed the Club money that he knew where they lived but declined to name names. The Treasurer also obtained the formal approval of members for a £500 donation from the Charity account to the Immediate Part Chairman’s chosen charity the pair of them having omitted to deal with the donation at the AGM.

The Immediate Past Chairman who was clearly missing the limelight took the opportunity to present our Membership Officer Simon with a bottle of wine he failed to receive at the AGM in April due to his absence.

In the absence of the Sports Officer Darren, Richard Kirby reminded members that over the summer Darren would be organising the annual quoits match at Beck Hole and an archery competition at the Scarborough Archery Club in Cayton with further details from Darren to follow.

The final item of business was the induction of a new member Venks Venkatesh proposed by the Immediate Past Chairman Charlie and seconded by Peter Calow

The meeting closed with the usual toast to RTBI.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Report on 68th Annual General Meeting

The 68th Annual General Meeting was held at the Crescent Hotel on 18 April 2024 when 21 members and 5 guests from Beverley 41 Club, including a founding member of Scarborough Castle, joined Chairman Charlie Hindle for the final meeting of his term of office.

There were several late apologies including long term Secretary Mike Shingler which meant the Chairman having to chair the AGM just like in the old days.

In the absence of the Secretary his written report was read by the Chairman. In his report the Secretary thanked all members who had helped the members of Round Table with the sleigh in December and expressed the heartfelt wish that the event would continue not just because of the money raised for local charities but for the look on the faces of the children.

The Treasurer Iain Johnston presented a very brief report on the annual accounts which was just long enough to confirm that the Club was still solvent. No member was brave enough to take up his invitation to ask questions.

Vice Chairman Dominic wearing his Catering Officer hat provided a summary of the meetings held during the year including several new venues and formats.

In the absence of the Membership Officer Simon Lockley his written report was read by fellow Membership Officer David Ascough in which he disclosed a new protocol for the induction of new members to the Club including the provision of a booklet to all new members explaining the rules of the Club and its ethos. There was no indication as to who would be responsible for preparing the booklet.

With neither of his fellow Newsletter/Website officers willing to give a report it was left to Stuart Baines to give an impromptu report on the team effort involved.

The Sports Officer provided a report on the annual quoits match at Beck Hole won by David Ascough and the archery competition which was rained off halfway through making it impossible to declare a winner but the most popular sporting event of the year was the visit to Scarborough Rugby Club in December for a meal followed by a rugby match. The only downside was that Scarborough lost the match.

In his report the Chairman thanked all those who had supported him during his term of office especially the members of the council who each received a token of thanks in the form of a bottle of hopefully excellent wine.

The Chairman was able to announce that the vacancy for a Vice Chairman in the list of officers for the approval of members had been filled by Richard Kirby who was nominated and seconded before he could change his mind.

In his address the new Chairman stated that his mission statement for his term of office was “to adopt adapt and improve the Club’s offering.”

Before the meeting closed the reason why members of Beverley 41 Club were in attendance was disclosed when they extended an invitation to the Area White Rose Dinner which they are hosting at Cave Castle in South Cave on 11 October 2024 at a cost of £45.00 per head.

The meeting closed with former founding member of Scarborough Castle Alic Cammish making fun at the expense of several Club members.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

February Meeting Report – Chinese New Year

The February meeting took the form of a pre meal drink for those who chose in the Tap and Spile after which those already across the road were joined in Tops Chinese restaurant.

There were three guests Venkatesh, John Price and Simon Ball.

The meal consisted of the usual Chinese crisps think oversized Quavers! Followed by a mixed platter of starters, Spring Rolls, Spare Ribs etc and then by a main course individually chosen. The meal went well with good service given the numbers present.

Chairman Charlie wished Simon Lockley well on his forthcoming operation and congratulated Steve Slade in his absence on the birth of a new grandchild.

Personally, I thought the evening showed one benefit of an opt in event as we did not have many embarrassing empty chairs.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Charity Night raises £3000

In breaking news the updated figures show that £3,000 was raised for charity. A brilliant outcome.

After a break of a few years in deference to COVID, we resumed our run of 41 Club Charity Nights with a fund-raising event held at the Rugby Club on Saturday 21st October.

Chaired by Simon Lockley, the evening was organised over several months by a hard-working committee of:

Simon relaxes, his work done.
  • Charlie Hindle – Dept Chair
  • Stephen Slade – Raffle
  • Stuart Baines – Sponsorship
  • Iain Johnston – Finance
  • David Henderson – IT and Promotion of the event
  • Mike Shingler – MC 

The event was well supported, with 84 people attending it. Guest of honour was Bernie Brown – the Manager of the Westway Open Arms Centre and Food Bank. Health and safety announcements were made and their message emphasised with the assistance of Lisa Kellett and the incomparable Dominic Grunwell, They were treated to a hot buffet meal. Our entertainer, the talented Mark Gregory, arrived and sprang into action with a fiendishly difficult (for some of us anyway!) quiz, and then an hour of singing. Marks wise choice of old favourites soon had people lured onto the dance floor to strut their stuff. drink was consumed and the atmosphere was joyful, to the delight of many and bemusement of some. Steve Slade conducted a raffle then MC Shingler was away auctioning prizes generously donated.

Our MC for the evening, Mike Shingler

Over £2000 was raised from a combination of entrance fees, a successful raffle and auction, plus generous sponsorship and donations, with the proceeds being divided between the Stroke Association and the Westway Open Arms Foodbank based at Eastfield.

Simon commented: ‘I would like to thank all those people who helped organise and promote the event, plus all those who attended, and the various individuals and companies who donated a substantial sum of money towards the above total.’

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Signpost Helps Dutch Visitors Find Scarborough

The signpost inaugerated at the last 41 Club meeting is already proving successful. Visitors Benny Gussinklo and his wife Anjo. and Masja van Dongen, the daughter of one of the founders of Aalten Round Table, Ben Westerweld, viewed the totemic memorial to our twinning Aalten. They were visiting 41 Club member Richard Grunwell for the weekend.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Charity Fund Raising Social Evening: Saturday, 21 October 2023

Our October 41 Club meeting is something a bit different –  a great opportunity to enjoy a night out with family and friends whilst supporting two worthwhile charities – The Stroke Association, and Westway Open Arms Food Bank at Eastfield!

Members & Partners: 

Members need to use the opt-in menu item above or this link to book a place for themselves and their partners. The cost is £32.50 a head and this will be billed against members’ accounts for settlement at the year-end in the usual way.

Other Guests:

Want to bring additional guests? No problem.
Payment Options: You can now pay for your guests by credit card via our website.


Would you like to sponsor a table or donate to the event? Find out more by clicking the button below.

Alternatively, payment can be made by bank transfer direct to Scarborough 41 Club – sort code 20-75-92, account number 73150976 (NB please include your name as a reference) – or by sending a cheque directly to Simon (address in Members’ Directory).

Once payment has been received, tickets will be posted to you in good time to distribute to your guests.

Further NB: please advise details of any food allergies/special food preferences when booking.

Start the evening with a free drink, and then enjoy a hot tasty buffet with vegetarian option, then a choice of pudding, followed by a short quiz, raffle and dancing to the sounds of our professional entertainer – Mr. Mark Gregory – check out his video and photos here.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Charity Night Details Annouced

41 Club Charity Dinner – Saturday 21st October 2023

Venue – Scarborough Rugby Club

Enjoy a hot and tasty buffet, with vegetarian option, a quiz, raffle, dancing to professional entertainer Mark Gregory. Tickets are a very reasonable £32.50 per person which includes your first drink to ‘get in the party mood’.

Monies raised from this event will be divided between the Stroke Association, a national charity dedicated to helping with the emotional, practical, and financial cost a stroke can cause, and Westway Open Arms, a local charity providing a food bank and premises to host lunch clubs, cooking lessons and debt management, supporting local people.

Provisional Order of Events

7.00pm – Drinks in the bar area

7.30pm – Guests take their seats (Seating plan by door)

7.45pm – Welcome by the 41 Club Chair

7.50pm – Representatives from the Stroke Association & The Westway Open Arms food-bank invited to say a few words

8.00pm – Hot buffet – savoury selection

8.45pm – Desserts

9.00pm – Quiz

9.30pm – Draw of raffle prizes

10.00pm – Mark Gregory – singing (and people invited to dance if they wish)

11.15pm – Vote of thanks. Final few words by the 41 Club Chair. 

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.