Charity Evening – book and pay online

Scarborough 41 Club is pleased to announce the revival of its Charity Evening, on Saturday, 21 October at Scarborough Rugby Club – 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm.

We will be raising money for the Stroke Association and Westway Open Arms Foodbank. There will be professional entertainment and a hot buffet. See here for full details.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Aalten Club Weekend Visit

Past Chairman Peter’s post hot off the press.

The recent medieval themed Aalten visit Saturday evening dinner at Ox Pasture Hall turned out to be a splendid, if somewhat chaotic, evening out. After a little light prinking at Chairman Charlie’s abode, your humble correspondent arrived in time to hear Table Chairman Dave Robinson deliver a speech detailing the understandable difficulties of organising such an event with only 6 members. The Aalten table is a little more fortunate with 15 members. 41 Club mustered 8 members and their significant others for the evening, although Dominic and Nicky Grunwell were accompanied by members of their family, and a visiting Dutch family. The acoustic medieval band played throughout, which left me wondering when they might get around to plugging in. Judging by the reception this comment received, this was something they had clearly heard before! So far the only thing that wasn’t medieval was the bar prices, which put a dent in several wallets. 

The meal for the evening was enjoyed, and then after that the band insisted that all should do some medieval style dancing, an invitation that was enthusiastically taken up (by most).

After enjoying this, we got to the start of the ‘entertainment’ we had been promised. Scarborough Round Table’s presentation was a sword in the stone fantasy (well in this case not a stone, but a barrel), with the sword finally being released by the Aalten Chairman. The Aalten effort was difficult to decipher, being the visiting tablers lined up dressed in boiler suits, wearing enormous wooden clogs. They then proceeded to stomp the clogs in an increasingly frantic fashion. What did it all mean? Haven’t a clue. Anyway, the Aalten Chairman then delivered his speech, which was enthusiastically received. He then presented an enormous single clog, which presumably will now reside in the back of someone’s garage. Incidentally, I did notice that Charlie came home with a pair of the regular size large clogs, which he has promised to wear at the next 41 Club meeting (stomping optional).

Owing to alcohol being taken, this description only bears a passing resemblance to the actual evening, but you get the general idea. Overall a fun evening, and hopefully the whole weekend has nicely set up the next visit of the Scarborough Table to Aalten in a few years’ time. 

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

New Chairman for 41 Club

At the recent AGM Charlie Hindle inherited the mantle of chairmanship for the 2023/24 year. Charlie is seen here taking over formally from past chair, Peter Calow.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Why are Aalten Round Table Visiting Scarborough?

A reminder of the background to the connection between Aalten Round Table/41 Clubs and their counterparts in Scarborough.

The first visit to Holland in 1963 was marked by a particular kindness that has remained one of the key features of all such visits since. All seven Scarborough Tablers were able to stay in the homes of Aalten Tablers. The Scarborough contingent still benefited from the impressive linguistic skills of the Dutch and their impressive fluency in English, conversely matched by the poor efforts in Dutch by various Scarborough speakers!

The original English party of ‘1963 spent a week in Holland and built up such a friendship that, before long a return visit by the Dutch to Scarborough was planned. So it was that, in May 1964, four Dutch Tablers from Aalten 88, with their wives, made the crossing to Scarborough.

The fellowship and friendship engendered from those early visits was so warm and mutual that they continue to this day. The two Clubs meet every two and a half years, alternating location. Now visits last over a long weekend, and Round Tablers past and present, with their partners, enjoy a weekend of events to help them to get to know their hosts’ area better and to meet socially. On the Saturday evening there is a formal dinner and dance, although formality soon wavers as liquid hospitality is shared and enjoyed. ln another tradition of the Saturday evening, members of each club ln turn perform a light-hearted (and often badly-rehearsed) sketch or song. Most importantly, the tradition of staying in each othe/s homes has endured since 1963, cemented by many long-lasting friendships, which continue beyond the regular twinning visits.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

January Meeting – Sea Creatures

Club member Stuart Baines presented his work with sea mammels along the Yorkshire Coast. This was accompanied by some stunning photography. Stuart talked with obvious enthusiasm about this field, in which he has carved out a niche for himself as a local ‘citizen scientist’. All these animals are being seen at increasing frequencies in the last few years, which in the case of the dolphins particularly, is good news for the local economy in that they undoubtedly attract more visitors to our area. Stuart speculated on why the dolphins have gradually spread southwards from their Scottish strongholds, and also why they are now been seen more frequently in the winter months. Increasing fish stocks and hence population pressure may be the possible explanation, coupled with the undoubtedly increased numbers of observers looking for them. 

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Christmas Dinner Celebrations in January!

41 Club members and guests welcomed the New Year with a belated Christmas Party. Health and prosperity to all our members and friends for 2023. More photos and a report will be found under meetings.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Christmas Greetings from 41 Club

Scarborough 41 Club wishes all its members, their families and our supporters a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Charity Presentation

Past Chairman Dave presented a cheque for £500 to the Rainbow Centre. Dave is pictured with Rainbow Centre Manager Trish Kinsella and Trustee John Trebble. The cheque was the result of collections and fund raising during his year(s) as Chairman. It was a great effort by Dave and the club as for much of his time as Chairman there were no face-to-face meetings due to the covid pandemic. Charitable giving is a major part of the club’s ethos, and this year we will be doing our best to contribute to Chairman Peters nominated charity The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

A Warm Welcome to our 2022/23 Programme

Scarborough 41 Club extends a warm welcome too all our members and prospective members to its new year programme. The club has monthly meetings, as well as social and sporting events from August through to May. These are held at a variety of venues in and around Scarborough. Meetings are informal, usually include a speaker or visit to a place of interest. If you wish to find out more about Scarborough 41 Club simply email

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Meetings have resumed

Scarborough 41 Club meetings resumed as normal in September 2021 and are in full swing. Please see the Calendar or this website’s sidebar – further details of events will be announced as soon as they are received from the Catering Officer.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.