Report on the Chinese Banquet held on 20 February 2025

On Thursday 20 February 2025 32 members, guests (former club member Brian Pidd and his wife Julie) and partners joined Chairman Dom to celebrate the start of the Chinese New Year of the Snake at TOPS Chinese Restaurant on Falsgrave Road.

Several members and partners had availed themselves of the invitation to start the evening across the road at the Tap and Spile to enjoy a pre-dinner drink including one partner who was so anxious not to leave her drink half finished that she brought the glass with her!

Chairman Dom had clearly come straight from work although when he subsequently revealed that he had just spent 10 hours driving a fare to Oxford and back he was probably entitled to be cut some slack regarding his sartorial appearance.

The meal started with the obligatory prawn crackers while orders for main courses and any dietary requirements were taken.

As everyone tucked into their mixed starters the hubbub died down and what had previously sounded like a manic plumber spasmodically hitting a water pipe with a monkey wrench was revealed to be a sound track of Chinese music playing over the restaurant’s sound system.

Who is the mystery diner?

The starters were followed by a main course of one’s own choice which some shared with their partners accompanied by individual bowls of fried rice. It was noticed that no one asked for their cutlery to be replaced with chop sticks no doubt fearful of being called out as poseurs.

While most settled for beer or soft drinks to accompany their meals member John P tried to impress his partner by ordering a bottle of Chateau Falsgrave which when it arrived sported a label with a picture of a wombat and bore the name “Peculiar Mr Pat”. Perusal of the label on the back of the bottle (do bottles have backs? – editor) revealed that Mr Pat was the name given to an orphaned wombat who had had to be saved from being bullied by other wombats and was found a home at the Ballarat Wildlife Park where he was transported about by wheelbarrow because of his enormous size but who had a 50,000 on line following and a dating app!

At the end of the meal Chairman Dom gave a brief speech in which he succeeded in making both our Catering Officer and Treasurer look somewhat anxious when he announced that next year the January and February meetings would be combined to save money before delivering his punch line that the meeting would be known as the Chinese Burns Night!


With partners present there were no reports from the various officers and having welcomed the guests and partners the Chairman closed the meeting with the usual toast to RTBI.

Chinese Burns Night Reporter

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Report on the Burns Night Supper held on 23 January 2025

The first meeting of the New Year saw the return of an old favourite a Burns Night Supper. As in previous years the Supper was held at Restaurant Nineteen09 at Scarborough TEC on Filey Road. In honour of the Scottish Bard the dress code for the evening was Black Tie or suit and tie.

A respectable 28 members and guests attended the Supper where we were met at the door by students from the college who directed us to the bar area for a pre-dinner drink or two.

Chairman Dom in full flow!

The evening opened with an address by Chairman Dom in “Trumpian” style using his best American accent followed by the Selkirk Grace from Brian Davidson in his best Scottish accent.

The peace was then broken by the skirl of the pipes and the Great Chieftain of the pudding race was paraded around the room on a silver platter carried by a somewhat embarrassed student proceeded by the piper.

The procession over the piper addressed the haggis in time honoured fashion with a faultless rendition of one of Burns most well known poems before cutting it open with his dirk to expose its entrails.

Address to the haggis!

There followed an excellent if heavy meal starting with haggis, neeps and tatties followed by a beef casserole complete with herb dumplings and ending with a cranachan dessert which appeared to have consumed a bottle of whisky all on its own.

The meal was followed with a brief account of Burns life and works from Brian who appeared to be on commission from the Scottish Tourist Board the number of times he recommended visiting the country before ending with a toast to Burns with a further toast this time to the lasses proposed by Chairman Dom who thankfully did not inflict his Scottish accent on us.

There then followed the high point of the evening for some members a whisky tasting hosted by former 41 Club member and genuine Scot Ian Cocker who after starting with a very good Burns joke introduced us to 6 different whiskys starting with a Talisker from the Isle of Skye followed by an Old Poultney from Wick, a Bunnahabhain from Islay, a Jura from where else but Jura and finishing with a Glen Scotia from Campbelltown on the Mull of Kintyre. The only disappointing note was that not all the contents of the 6 bottles had been drunk by the time the evening ended.

Chairman Dom thanked Ian on behalf of some very replete and satisfied members for his informative introduction to the joys of whisky tasting.

Some well satisfied and replete members and Ian!

The meeting closed with the usual toast to RTBI.

Burns Night Supper Reporter

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Round Table Sleigh 2024

Secretary Mike reports that starting in 1985 the Round Table’s Sleigh has toured the streets of Scarborough and surrounding districts for 10 nights every December except when this was not possible because of the nationwide lockdowns in the time of Covid.

The sleigh has for many years been used to collect Santa from the harbour and deliver him to Boyes Store in Queen Street and to take him to visit the primary school in Barrowcliff to give out presents to the school children donated by the school authorities.

The sleigh has been rebuilt and continually maintained initially by members of Round Table and more recently by members of 41 Club who also paid for the last rebuild 5 years ago.

Sadly this year due primarily to the dwindling number of members in Round Table it was decided to operate for 5 nights only but still collect Santa from the harbour and visit Barrowcliffe school. Despite the reduction in the number of nights the sleigh was operational even in these high cost of living times Santa’s Elves still managed to collect £2,151. A record result!

Santa distributes presents to the children of Barrowcliffe School

Thanks to those members of 41 Club who gave up their evenings to enable the sleigh to operate and as a result had the chance to witness the happy smiling faces on the hundreds of children who came out to see Santa many of whom handed him their Christmas list of presents they hoped to receive.

What makes it all worthwhile!

Like all successful events the sleigh requires a lot of hard work behind the scenes the majority of which has been done for the past 25 years by our own Ben Kitto (or Rudolf as he is known to Santa).

Merry Christmas

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Report on Charity Night at Scarborough Rugby Club on 5 December 2024

At about 11.30pm on Friday 5 December all the sleepless nights spent worrying about food allergies, the meetings, the WhatsApp messages, the emails and the last minute telephone calls had paid off and our Membership Officer Simon was finally able to relax and savour the success of the 41 Club Charity Night organised by him and his Charity Night Committee at Scarborough Rugby Club.

Although the evening was wet and very windy over 100 members and guests attended the event and were welcomed by a grand display of Christmas lights courtesy of the Rugby Club and 2 doormen pretending to be tough to prevent gate crashers.

After some pre-dinner drinks the evening proper started with a health and safety announcement from Simon ably assisted by 2 members of his “cabin crew” to point out the emergency exits and several jokes which were met with groans of anguish not laughter.

Club members and their guests

With Vice Chairman Richard acting as compere for the evening after a brief welcome from Chairman Dom he then introduced representatives from his 2 nominated charities for the year Scarborough Talking News and SPARKS to describe the services offered by their respective charities. In a very family affair Dom’s mother Mary spoke on behalf of Scarborough Talking News and his wife Nicky on behalf of SPARKS both of whom received a warm round of applause for their efforts.

At last the food was served. Rumour has it that it was the same menu as last year but whatever there were no grounds to criticise the offering save towards the end when the kitchen ran out of cheesecake for the dessert course.

While dessert was served entertainment was provided by Annie & King described on their Facebook page as “a crossover folk country upbeat” duo from Scarborough who stuck to their task well despite the distractions of guests eating their desserts and after dinner conversation.

Annie & King in action
A winner!

With the audience well sated with both food and drink the delicate operation of prizing money out of wallets and handbags for the benefit of the 2 charities commenced. In an innovation the raffle ticket sellers had the use of a Sum Up machine to catch those who claimed to have no cash on them! Steve Slade did the honours of managing the raffle draw which did seem to favour some tables over others! It was also suspicious that many of the winners were 41 Club members but hey your correspondent is not bitter at having failed to win anything despite an enormous outlay!

Another winner!

Then it was on to the auction with Richard acting as auctioneer. Clearly a man who missed out on his preferred vocation in life and one who has watched too many American court room dramas or just likes making a noise with a gavel. Nonetheless he did a sterling job of extracting a large amount of money from his audience despite some very shady lots on offer including naked clay pigeon shooting and having a hair cut while eating a box of chocolates.

The evening ended with a disco from Magic Mike which allowed some of the guests to show their moves on the dance floor.

Although the final figures have still to be calculated the amount raised for the 2 charities is believed to be in the region of a very impressive £2,700.

Congratulations to Simon and his team for a highly successful Charity Night and thanks to all those who donated prizes for the raffle and auction whose generosity is much appreciated.

41 Club Charity Correspondent

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Report on the Turkish evening held on 21 November 2024

The March meeting saw a return to the Az Turkish restaurant on Columbus Ravine after an absence of several years. Our Catering Officer John had arranged an interesting 2 course meal starting with a range of small plates featuring various Turkish dishes followed by what appeared to be a Turkish version of moussaka crossed with a cottage pie and a choice of chips or Bulgar wheat washed down with copious quantities of Turkish beer or for the poseurs wine.

Plotting to fix the results of the Charity Night raffle!

The meeting was well attended despite the somewhat inclement weather with 23 members in attendance together with Phil Green a guest of Mike Whitely who gave assurances that he had no connection to Top Shop or Dorothy Perkins. Steve Slade had also invited a guest but he (the guest that is) failed to make an appearance.

After the meal and having welcomed the guest Chairman Dominic invited the officers present to give their reports starting with Simon Lockley wearing his Charity Night organiser hat. Simon started his report by misidentifying Simon Bull as the first person to buy a ticket for the Charity Night. An easy mistake to make when you are also called Simon! With the numbers due to attend the event on 5 December forecast to exceed 100 it should be a good night and all in a good cause.

Secretary Mike reported that he was pleased that the Treasurer and Catering Officer were in attendance to relieve him of the duties he had had to attend to at the Trafalgar Night meeting in their absence. He also gave advance notice of his intention to give members formal notice of the proposed induction of James Denton into 41 Club at the meeting in January.

Not willing to let the implied criticism of his recent globe-trotting exploits to go unanswered the Treasurer Iain asked the Secretary for his views on the constitutional changes recently proposed by National.

Darren has lost 2 members of his audience!

Sports Officer Darren provided a report on the attendance of 9 members at the Scarborough Rugby Club on 26 October for lunch followed by a very entertaining game of rugby resulting in a victory for the home team against the previously undefeated league leaders. Darren went on to ask members for a show of interest in attending a similar event at Scarbough Athletic in the new year.

The Catering Officer reported that the meeting in January would be a celebration of Rabbie Burns complete with piper and address to the “great chieftain of the sausage race.” Members were asked to note that the meeting was on 23 January which was the 3rd Thursday of the month and that the dress code was black tie.

The meeting closed with the usual toast to RTBI.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Report on attendance at rugby match between Scarborough v Rochdale at Silver Royd on 26 October 2024

Last season the match chosen by our Sports Officer Darren was played in the bitter cold and resulted in another loss for Scarborough who were on a long losing streak and provided little to enthuse the crowd especially the non-rugby fan.

This year Darren excelled himself choosing a sunny afternoon and an entertaining game of rugby which resulted in a well-deserved victory for Scarborough over the Regional 2 North East Division leaders Rochdale who until the game had had a 100% record for the season.

It was disappointing that only 9 members from 41 Club and Farts were in attendance for the game requiring Darren to reduce the number of tables booked from 2 to just 1.

The lucky 9 arrived in time for a pre-lunch drink (or in some cases more than one) in the bar followed by a 2 course roast dinner and more drinks.

Perhaps as a sign of things to come Darren won a bottle of 80% proof Russian rhum by rolling a £1 coin closest to the said bottle during some post-lunch fund raising. Those brave enough to sample the bottle contents reported no ill effects apart from a lack of feeling.

It was then onto the club house balcony for the main event. It was not a particularly auspicious start with Scarborough losing a player to the sin bin within the first 10 minutes and spending the first quarter of the game penned in their own 22.

Surprisingly for what by the end was a high scoring game the first half hour of the game was scoreless with each team scorning an early opportunity to kick a penalty in the quest for a try scoring field position both without success. The lack of an early score rendered most estimates of the time of the first score used as the tie breaker in the President’s Poser wildly inaccurate.

Somewhat against the run of play Scarborough scored the first try of the game and despite the obvious ball handling skills of the much vaunted opposition remained ahead until the final whistle. Whenever Rochdale scored Scarborough responded with a score of their own finishing with the last 2 tries of the game to secure a comfortable and well-deserved victory 33 v 20 at the end. A difference of 13 points. Unfortunately for one of our group who had guessed a points difference of 12 in the President’s Poser someone else won the £75 prize money on offer on the tie break!

Thanks to Darren for organising the event which was enjoyed by all who attended even the non-rugby fans. Hopefully this will become an annual event.

41 Club Rugby Correspondent

Spot the ball!
A rare cirrocumulus cloud formation sometimes known as a mackerel sky photographed over Silver Royd by Darren after the game.

Trafalgar Night Meeting

In a postscript to the report on the Trafalgar Night meeting when it was stated that the promised port failed to appear a reliable source has now disclosed that there was a bottle of port but that it failed to reach the second table.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Report on the Trafalgar Night Meeting held on 17 October 2024

In a reprise of a Trafalgar Night meeting held a few years ago our Catering Officer John organised this month’s meeting to celebrate the stunning victory of the Royal Navy (27 ships of the line) commanded by Lord Horatio Nelson over the combined might of the French and Spanish navies (33 ships of the line) without the loss of a single ship on 21 October 1805.

The meeting was held appropriately enough at the Scarborough Yacht Club on the 17 October with a traditional roast beef dinner followed by spotted dick and custard. What better way than such a meal to celebrate Trafalgar Night. Although it was a shame that the promised port did not materialise due to a lack of time!

In the absence of our Chairman the meeting was well chaired by Vice Chairman Richard who in the absence of Dom was observed enjoying double helpings of roast beef and Yorkshire pudding.

So how does this thing work?

With a guest speaker business was conducted before the meal and started with the Vice Chairman welcoming 3 guests to the meeting. Secretary Mike thanked the Yacht Club for hosting the meeting and made a plea to those members with standing apologies to inform the Catering Officer if they were going to attend and not simply turn up which made estimating numbers extremely difficult.

In an attempt to address the problem of diminished donations to the Charity Box the Club has acquired an electronic card playing device to accompany the charity box to enable members to make a donation either in cash or by card. The new technology was explained to members by David Henderson and appeared to be an outstanding success with over £100 donated by card and cash during the course of the evening.

Moon rise over Cape Trafalgar?

The guest speaker for the evening and former 88 member Nick Taylor introduced himself and invited members to make donations to the RNLI before giving a knowledgeable and fascinating account of the Battle of Trafalgar complete with images of maps, ships of the line and the weaponry used. At the end of his talk Nick was able to answer several questions which reflected well on his own knowledge of the subject and of the members asking the questions.

All in all an enjoyable and informative evening.

The meeting was closed by Secretary Mike at the unusually late time of 10.30pm with the usual toast to RTBI.

(Click on any image below to expand)

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Report on Chairman’s Introduction to the new 41 Club year, 19 September 2024

Chairman Dom welcomed 25 members to the first meeting of the 41 Club year held at the Crescent Hotel on Thursday 19 September.

Following consumption of the Crescent Hotel’s staple menu of vegetable soup, boeuf bourguignon and sticky toffee pudding the Chairman’s Introduction was brief albeit described by one member as Churchillian. It only became apparent later that the member was not referencing the former prime minister!

Who has eaten all the chips!
Man attempts one handed hand stand while seated!
Pea thief caught red handed!

On the conclusion of his opening remarks the Chairman invited Secretary Mike to give his report. After some boring information about the number of members in the Club etc. in the absence of the Treasurer Iain the Secretary raised the issue of the Charity Box noting that the increased use of payment by card meant that fewer members had change to put in the box reducing the amount available at the end of the year to donate to the Chairman’s chosen charities. Members were invited to forward any suggestions as to how to deal with this problem to the Treasurer for his consideration.

The Secretary’s report was followed by a report from Catering Officer John who filled in the gaps in the schedule of meetings for the remainder of the year:

  • 17 October – Trafalgar Night to be held at the Yacht Club with a talk from former 88 Tabler Nick Taylor;
  • 21 November – Turkish Night to be held at Az;
  • 5 December – Charity Night to be held at Scarborough Rugby Club (please note that this an opt in meeting);
  • 23 January – Burns Night to be held at Restaurant 1909 at Scarborough TEC (black tie optional);
  • 20 February – Chinese Banquet to be held at TOPS (please note that this is with partners);
  • 20 March – Visit to the RNLI Lifeboat House with a talk by former 41 Club member Colin Woodhead followed by a fish and chips meal (venue to be confirmed);
  • 17 April – AGM at the Crescent Hotel (with a new menu promised!); and
  • 13 May – Tapas at La Roca.

After a reprise of the enjoyable sporting events held over the summer Sports Officer Darren reported that following the success of last year’s event he had again booked 2 tables for lunch at the Rugby Club followed by a home game against Rochdale on Saturday 26 October. The team’s results this season are mixed having lost at home to Bradford Salem in the first game and won away to Malton & Norton in the second. Further details to follow.

Under any other business Mike W mentioned a charity ceilidh to be held at the Scalby Memorial Hall on 15 November for the benefit of SPARKS one of the Chairman’s nominated charities for the year.

There was a further reminder from the Secretary of the White Rose Dinner to be held at Cave Castle in South Cave on 11 October with anyone interested in attending invited to contact Immediate Past Chairman Charlie.

The meeting closed with the usual toast to RTBI.

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Report on annual archery competition on 17 July 2024

On Wednesday 17 July 8 members of 41 Club and our sister organisation Farts together with 1 guest attended the annual archery competition arranged by Darren and kindly hosted by members of Scarborough Archers at their club field on Osgodby Lane Cayton.

Recently retired GP and former Chairman of 41 Club Mark Laws graced the competition with his presence wearing a particularly fetching T shirt.

the competitors

After the anticlimax of last year’s competition which was brought to a premature end by heavy rain this year Darren’s sacrifice to the rain gods worked and the competition took place in glorious sunshine. There were even complaints by some competitors that the sun was in their eyes but they just couldn’t shoot straight!

With members of Scarborough Archers on hand to provide instructions on how to shoot an arrow without injuring anyone to those who had never previously held a bow and a reminder of the correct technique and safety instructions for those veterans of previous competitions the evening started with some practice shooting arrows at targets before the budding archers were divided into 2 groups.

The first group went off into the woods to shoot some exotic Cayton wildlife while the other group remained behind to shoot 6 ends at the targets.

shooting otters !
target shooting

After a short break for coffee and biscuits the 2 groups swapped places.

Surprisingly the scoring was very good. Out of a maximum score of 389 Darren came third with a score of 328, Gordon second with a score of 333 but the outright winner with a very impressive score of 347 was our Vice Chairman Richard. Medals were presented to these 3 by Scarbrough Archers

the winner

Although not placed 2 competitors each scored a golden end with all 6 arrows in the gold. So as not to cause them to become too full of themselves the competitors will remain anonymous but one of them did manage to take a photo of his feat for posterity!

a “golden end”

All but Mark (for whom clearly the evening had been too exiting) then retired to the Fox Hound at Flixton where the very welcoming host made a valiant attempt to turn 8 hungry and thirsty customers away but was prevailed upon with some ill grace to reopen the kitchen and increase his turnover for the evening.

A good evening’s entertainment and thanks to Darren for organising the event

41 Club Archery Correspondent

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.

Report on the Quoits Competition held on 11 June 2024

The evening of 11 June saw the first of this summer’s sporting events organised by our Sporting Officer Darren when 13 players from 41 Cub and its sister organisation Farts participated in the annual Quoits Competition held as in previous years at Beck Hole.

Members of the Beck Hole Quoits Club (John, Phil, Eddie and Ivor) were present to provide the use of their quoits together with guidance on the best way to throw a quoit and how to score. One member kindly offered to participate to make an even number of players divided into teams of 2.

The players

The usual crowd of sheep and locals soon gathered to watch the high-quality (?) throwing although in truth there were more sheep than locals and the sheep soon wandered off in search of something more entertaining.

The spectators

With practice the standard of play improved and the quoits began to land in the clay pits instead of bouncing off the surrounding woodwork causing the risk of injury to other players, spectating sheep or passing motorists despite the catch fencing.

How not to do it!
How to do it!

The weather was unseasonably cold with a risk of rain stopping play. In the event after some 2 hours, play was brought to a premature end not by rain but with the players under attack from midges.

In a tense final game Phil Rigg with some assistance from his team mate the ringer from the Quoits Club triumphed over Dave Ascough (last year’s winner who was also partnered by Ivor!) and Richard Kirby. Congratulations to Phil and Ivor.

The winner!

The players and Quoits Club members then retired to the Birch Hall Inn for a well-earned pie and a pint or two.

During the evening £100 was raised to be donated to the air ambulance service.

A good night’s entertainment enjoyed by all save the sheep!

Your 41 Club Quoits Correspondent

Note: as discussed at the February 2020 meeting, if you would like to receive email updates directly to your inbox for all articles as soon as they appear on the Scarborough 41 Club website, please subscribe to the site. The subscription box is on the upper right of every page, just below the Search. Techy hint: check your spam inbox if you don’t see the subscription email immediately.