In breaking news the updated figures show that £3,000 was raised for charity. A brilliant outcome.
After a break of a few years in deference to COVID, we resumed our run of 41 Club Charity Nights with a fund-raising event held at the Rugby Club on Saturday 21st October.
Chaired by Simon Lockley, the evening was organised over several months by a hard-working committee of:

- Charlie Hindle – Dept Chair
- Stephen Slade – Raffle
- Stuart Baines – Sponsorship
- Iain Johnston – Finance
- David Henderson – IT and Promotion of the event
- Mike Shingler – MC
The event was well supported, with 84 people attending it. Guest of honour was Bernie Brown – the Manager of the Westway Open Arms Centre and Food Bank. Health and safety announcements were made and their message emphasised with the assistance of Lisa Kellett and the incomparable Dominic Grunwell, They were treated to a hot buffet meal. Our entertainer, the talented Mark Gregory, arrived and sprang into action with a fiendishly difficult (for some of us anyway!) quiz, and then an hour of singing. Marks wise choice of old favourites soon had people lured onto the dance floor to strut their stuff. drink was consumed and the atmosphere was joyful, to the delight of many and bemusement of some. Steve Slade conducted a raffle then MC Shingler was away auctioning prizes generously donated.

Over £2000 was raised from a combination of entrance fees, a successful raffle and auction, plus generous sponsorship and donations, with the proceeds being divided between the Stroke Association and the Westway Open Arms Foodbank based at Eastfield.
Simon commented: ‘I would like to thank all those people who helped organise and promote the event, plus all those who attended, and the various individuals and companies who donated a substantial sum of money towards the above total.’
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