The meeting was held this year at the new restaurant called “Nineteen09” at the new Scarborough TEC on Filey Road, Scarborough.
The 41 Club members were joined by ten members of Round Table and the total attendance on the night was forty.
Once members had sampled the drinks in the bar, the organisers Tom Cathcart and John White, asked for us all to be seated. The haggis was then piped into the restaurant with a procession including our Chairman and Dave Henderson, who was wearing a Scottish hat and wig for this spectacle.
The piper excelled himself with the pipe playing and the address to the haggis which was warmly welcomed by the members.
We enjoyed a superb three course meal which was followed by cheese and biscuits and coffee. Ian Cocker then gave a whisky tasting and talk.
The training staff and tutors came into the restaurant afterwards to receive a round of applause for all their hard efforts.
A great night was had by all.
After the meal a new member of Scarborough Round Table was inducted by the Chairman, Jim McCann, who used the new sword that had been presented to the club by the Aalten Round Table from Holland.
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