For our October event the venue was The Crescent, the food was first class as ever with a starter of
Salmon Pate, a huge Barnsley Chop for mains and Chocolate Brownie for pud, who could ask for
more ?!
Catering officer Simon was in buoyant mood having guessed the attendance correctly and only two
seats without back sides in place.
The speaker was Tabler Allan from Coventry 23 Round Table who are promoting the Children’s Wish
charity which aims to bring dreams to reality for seriously ill children. Allan explained that the
difference of Children’s Wish to similar charities is that each wish big or small is customised to the
wish of the child in question, and also allows siblings and up to two adults to join the child in the
Children’s Wishes have been such as trips to Disneyland and meeting their favourite characters
when there which make a big difference to the children and their families.
Scarborough 41 Club and Scarborough Round Table are to hold a joint fundraising evening at
Scarborough Rugby Club on 20 November for Children’s Wish. The evening is to be a Race
Night with a Pie and Pea supper. Cost £ 15.00 per head although the November meeting subs will
cover the cost for 41 Club members and partners.
Members are encouraged to bring wives/partners and guests. Simon Lockley is the main promoter
and would appreciate numbers to the Treasurer by 14 November.
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