Season’s Greetings from the Chairman

Unfortunately. the end of 2021 looks like being similar to the end of 2020, but we should all now be used to the disruptions to our way of life.

We have had a number of excellent meetings since we got going again and I thoroughly enjoyed the last meeting at the Crescent, albeit that there were a number of late apologies, no doubt due to the surge in Covid/Omicron cases.

Let’s hope the situation settles down again in time for our Burns’ Night on 25th January.

Great news to learn of the record collections by the Santa’s Grotto team and I am pleased to announce that Moore Accountants and Moore Independent Financial Services will jointly match the donation made by Boyes of £250.00.

Best wishes to you and your families for Christmas and the New Year.

David Ascough

Scarborough 41 Club

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