September 2022 Meeting Report; Crescent Hotel

After a bit of shenanigans with where the meeting actually was, our illustrious catering team of Dominic and John did a great emergency manoeuvre and managed to get us in at the Crescent. Despite it being prime holiday time for ‘silver surfers’, some 22 people attended, including 3 guests, John Price, Andrew Hayes and Bob Heaps.

The evening opened with Chairman Peter asking for a minute’s silence in respect of the Queen. He had received a missive from National setting out protocols for any meeting around this sad time, but decided that, as we were such a ‘well behaved club’, we would meet all the requirements without him having to read them all out!

The meal comprised Veg soup, Boeuf bourguignon and a very large cheese board, all of which your correspondent found to be very good.

There was no major business reported, other than the Secretary reporting that Gordon Hayes had resigned due to his heavy commitment related to his charity work. The Chair reported that he had heard unofficially that the Aalten weekend (with Aalten coming here) was conceivably likely to maybe possibly perchance be in late April 2023, but he wasn’t sure. Watch this space for further information.

The meeting finished with the usual toast to RT. Brian Pidd then had a gentle rebuke for the Chair forgetting to toast the new King.

It was good to meet up again after the summer recess.

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