The September meeting saw 41 Club meetings resume after the summer break. Chairman Charlie was sunning himself in a somewhat warmer and definitely more exotic climate, and so we were in the capable hands of Dominic for this meeting.
Richard Frank made a rare but welcome appearance, and introduced us all to the new Aalten signpost outside the newly renamed Central Hotel. As you will recall, the previous signpost was outside the Crown Spa Hotel, where it pointed somewhat forlornly to Denmark. The blame for this navigational error, and for the poor condition of the sign, was attributed by Richard to Ian Costello, who then in turn spent the rest of the evening vigorously denying this.

Anyway, the ceremonial duties performed, we retired into the Central for a most excellent steak pie main course, followed by an equally impressive sticky toffee pudding.
During the brief business, the secretary announced that Brian Heaps has retired from 41 Club at 93 years of age, after approximately half a century of membership, which is a most impressive feat. We all wish Brian best wishes for a well-deserved rest.
Details were also supplied about the next meeting, which is the Charity night at the Rugby Club on October 21st.
The meeting closed with a toast to both the memory of Richard Appleton, and to the usual RTBI.
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