The final meeting before the summer break and the first meeting of our new Chairman Dominic’s year in office found us back at La Tapas for some authentic Scarborough tapas and Spanish beer brewed under licence in Burton on Trent.
Several members followed our absent Secretary Mike’s suggestion of a pre-meeting pint (or two!) at the Merchant with our new Catering officer John doing sterling work to chivvy members to drink up and make their way to Bland’s Cliff for the start of the meeting.
A reasonable number of members attended albeit with several non-apologies duly noted by Treasurer Iain which bodes well for the wine fund for next April’s AGM.
After numerous small plates of food and several drinks the Chairman called the meeting to order and with the benefit of a crib sheet provided by our Immediate Past Chairman Charlie successfully chaired his first meeting with only minimal barracking.
Reports from those officers present included a reminder from the Treasurer to those members who still owed the Club money that he knew where they lived but declined to name names. The Treasurer also obtained the formal approval of members for a £500 donation from the Charity account to the Immediate Part Chairman’s chosen charity the pair of them having omitted to deal with the donation at the AGM.
The Immediate Past Chairman who was clearly missing the limelight took the opportunity to present our Membership Officer Simon with a bottle of wine he failed to receive at the AGM in April due to his absence.
In the absence of the Sports Officer Darren, Richard Kirby reminded members that over the summer Darren would be organising the annual quoits match at Beck Hole and an archery competition at the Scarborough Archery Club in Cayton with further details from Darren to follow.
The final item of business was the induction of a new member Venks Venkatesh proposed by the Immediate Past Chairman Charlie and seconded by Peter Calow
The meeting closed with the usual toast to RTBI.

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